Olmos Park - Boards

Boards and Commissions serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on various issues.

If you are interested in serving on either the Planning and Zoning, Board of Adjustment or the Economic Development Corporation, please submit your name, address, email address, and phone number with a short bio along with a complete 
Board Application to the city secretary (citysecretary@olmospark.org) stating your interest.When it comes time for the Council to make appointments, you may be contacted to appear before Council to discuss the possibility of serving on an Olmos Park Board or Commission.

The City of Olmos Park has the following Boards:

- Planning and Zoning Commission meets the last Wednesday of each month at 5 pm as needed 

- Board of Adjustment meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:30 pm as needed.   

-Economic Development Corporation meets every second Tuesday of the month at 6pm

If you have an item that needs to come before one of these Boards, please contact City Hall.



Olmos Park City Hall, 120 W El Prado Dr, Olmos Park, Texas 78212 Phone: 210-824-3281