Building DepartmentAll building permits and payments must be done online at MyPermitNow, see link below. To create an account please visit
If you need assistance creating an account call the My Government Online Help Desk at 1-866-957-3764, or email them at
Meetings with a member of the Olmos Park Building Department are by appointment only. Please call 210-824-3281 ext. 309 or 210-413-9730 to schedule an appointment.
Construction Noise Construction activities, including, without limitation, demolition, excavation, erection, fabrication, alteration, renovation and/or repair are permitted within the city limits weekdays during the time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Construction activities may also take place on Saturdays during the time between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., provided such construction activities do not create noise that extends beyond the construction site to any residence within the single-family residential districts. Construction activities are prohibited at all other times (save for a limited emergency repair requiring immediate attention to protect health and/or property). In the event of an extreme and urgent necessity that is in the interest of the public safety and/or convenience, construction activities may be conducted at other times only upon issuance of a permit by the chief of police of the city, or any of his duly appointed and acting assistants or agents, expressly authorizing the performance of such construction activities at other specifically designated times, which permit may be renewed during the time such extreme and urgent necessity exists.
Permit Issued Building permits are issued weekdays from 8:30 am -12:00 noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. After a plan is submitted, a minimum of three (3) working days should be allowed for plan checking. Permit Required - Please refer to section 105.2 of both the 2018 versions of International Building Code and the International Residential Code.
With the following exceptions:
ALL fences whether new or replacement of existing.
Swimming pools of any type. (above ground pools are prohibited by ordinance 8-160)
Sidewalks, driveways, drive approaches or the addition of any other impermeable surfaces located within the front yard area as defined by 40-45.
Permit Requirements Plans Required Bond Requirements Permit Fees
Any work started prior to first obtaining a permit will be charged a double fee. Permit Duration One year from the date of issuance. For more detail see City Building Code Ordinance Chapter 8 Section Asbestos Survey and A.D.A. Requirements For renovation and demolition of public buildings and/or commercial buildings there is an asbestos survey report required by Senate Bill 509 effective January 1, 2002. If the contractor/owner has any question regarding the survey they can call the Texas Department of Health's Asbestos Program in Austin, Texas at 1.800.572.5548. On commercial renovations (over $50,000.00) and new construction the contractor or owner must verify that the individual has submitted their facility for Texas accessibility standards review, as applicable, with either the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, a registered accessibility specialists, or an independent contract provider working on behalf of TDLR. A number for TDLR (512.463.3211 Architectural Barriers Division) Senate Bill 484. Effective Date June 17, 2001.
Design Manual for the Installation of Network Nodes and Node Support Poles