The Olmos Park City Council approved the relocation of the fountain to Alameda Circle at their December 2014 City Council meeting. This fountain will be a non-working fountain.  The purpose of this project is to put closure to a landmark that was removed from McCullough due to frequent accidents and to be relocated in honor of all the Olmos Park residents that donated to the fountain project.

The goal for the contractor, weather permitting is to complete the project by mid-April 2015.  During construction for safety reasons, Cycle at the Circle will not be held the first Saturday in April and will resume upon completion of the project.

The Project cost is $32,000.

The funds to pay for this project are as follows:

Olmos Park Beautification Charitable Funds (private donated funds):                               $16,314.14

San Antonio Area Foundation Funds (unused Rail Road Quiet private donated funds)         $   4,809.62

Current Olmos Park FY2015 Budget- Parks and Streets Fund:                                             $      712.24

Insurance reimbursements from prior damage to the fountain:                                          $   10,164.00

Total                                                                                                                                $32,000.00

 At this meeting the City Council approved $2,000 for any additional expenses, as needed.


Olmos Park City Hall, 120 W El Prado Dr, Olmos Park, Texas 78212 Phone: 210-824-3281