City Hall Administration

Olmos Park City Hall
120 W. El Prado 
San Antonio, Texas 78212
Ph: 210 -824-3281
Business Hours:M-F  8:30 am - 5:00 pm

City Manager Vacant Ext. 303
City Secretary Hilary Pickard Ext. 312
Court Administrator Mayra Torres Ext. 301
Police Chief Fidel Villegas Ext. 304
Fire Chief Micheal Goodreau Ext. 324
Public Works Director Gilbert DeLeon  
Building Official Vacant Ext. 309

The City Manager Role includes:
- Serves the Council as its chief advisor
- Implements the Council's policy decisions
- Guides the delivery of services to the community
- Provides vision and leadership to the organization
- Oversees enforcement of all city ordinances, resolutions, contracts, rules and regulations
- Hires, recruits and supervises municipal employees
The City Council provides policy to the City Manager to implement - General Law cities are smaller cities whose powers are limited; they operate according to specific states statutes that define their powers and duties. They are restricted to doing what the state directs or permits them to do. If a general law city has not been granted the express or implied power by the state to initiate a particular action, none may be taken.

Olmos Park City Hall, 120 W El Prado Dr, Olmos Park, Texas 78212 Phone: 210-824-3281