Olmos Park City Hall
120 W. El Prado
San Antonio, Texas 78212
Ph: 210 -824-3281
Business Hours:M-F 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
The City Manager Role includes:
- Serves the Council as its chief advisor
- Implements the Council's policy decisions
- Guides the delivery of services to the community
- Provides vision and leadership to the organization
- Oversees enforcement of all city ordinances, resolutions, contracts, rules and regulations
- Hires, recruits and supervises municipal employees
The City Council provides policy to the City Manager to implement - General Law cities are smaller cities whose powers are limited; they operate according to specific states statutes that define their powers and duties. They are restricted to doing what the state directs or permits them to do. If a general law city has not been granted the express or implied power by the state to initiate a particular action, none may be taken.