

The General Election for members of City Council is held annually on the 1st Saturday in May. 


First day to file for a place on the ballot: TBD


Last day to file for a place on the ballot: TBD


Notice of deadline to file application for place on the ballot.


Members currently holding these positions: 




The location of the this election is at the Olmos Park City Hall, 120 West El Prado Drive, Olmos Park, Texas 78212, 210-824-3281, fax number is 210-826-5008.




The requirements for filing for candidacy of each elected office of the political subdivision are:


  • Mayor


1. Residence:  1 year in state prior to filing deadline; 1 year in city prior to election day


2. Age 18


3. Must be a registered voter in territory elected from by the filing deadline.


  • Alderman/Council member


1. Residence: 1 year in state prior to filing deadline; 6 months in the city prior to filing deadline


2. Age 18


3. Must be a registered voter in territory elected from by the filing deadline.



Olmos Park City Hall, 120 W. El Prado, San Antonio, Texas 78212 Phone:210-824-3281